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Cockroaches are a high risk pest. They are known to carry a range of bacteria, viruses & pathogens causing serious illnesses including typhoid, gastroenteritis, dysentery, salmonella food poisoning, Enteric fever, etc. They have also been identified as a major source of powerful allergens. The health risk is high in homes with children, the elderly or those fighting illnesses.
Beyond carriers of health risks for humans, they contaminate & produce an obnoxious odor. In a country like India, where temperature conditions are very suitable, cockroaches breed rapidly.
Intelligent Snow Gel Service is a combination treatment for cockroaches and crawling pests. It is a hassle-free service with unique treatment carried out through Truly Dust and Gel baiting. The treatment is carried out by the fully trained and experienced technicians. The service is affordable, effective and safe.
Unlike other highly toxic spray treatment, you wouldn’t be required to remove items. Our team would carry out the service finding the place where insects breed. The cockroaches are found in cracks & crevices or in the hinges of drawers & cupboards or in the darker areas of the drain traps due to their nocturnal nature.
Truly Dust is one of the safest chemicals we use. The white color powder is less toxic than the common salt we eat but highly toxic in nature for the cockroaches. It does not let the cockroach develop immunity against the dust as well & hence the cockroach is very vulnerable to survive.
We, at Truly, are committed to provide you with the latest and the safest chemicals to make sure that you and your loved ones are always safe.
Call us on 1800-11-3665 (9am to 6pm) or Book your appointment on Whatsapp @9319081666.
Truly is present in more than 37 cities across the country, having more than 400 employees. TPS is currently serving 4000+ commercial and 10000+ residential clients, with an increasing list of clients on a daily basis.
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