Truly Nolen India

At Truly, we understand the challenges the hotel owners and managers face in establishing and maintaining a distinguished reputation amidst public scrutiny and regulatory obligations. We specialize in providing exceptional commercial pest control for hotels, recognizing the critical role it plays in ensuring the highest standards of hospitality.

Our expertise in hotel pest control and management protects sensitive areas like guest rooms & suites, lobbies, kitchens, food storage units and dining areas that require specific
hygiene measurements and precautions to maintain a healthy environment. Our reliable and sound protocols make us the best and the most trusted hospitality exterminator you

When a guest spots/encounters a pest in a hotel, it not only ruins the experience of guest stay but also the brand reputation of the hotel, affecting the business. It may also result in failure of local legal compliances and legislation in public health space.

Common 5 pests found at a hotel premises

1. Cockroaches – Cockroaches are found in the hotel and its kitchen due to the availability of high food sources. The presence of cockroaches can infest different areas of the hotels which includes the guest areas. The take shelter in the dark places in the cracks and crevices of the wall and in the building structure, the furniture, food storing racks, food processing equipment’s, drains of the kitchen and along the cables and pipes.

2. Rodents – Rats and mice are attracted to the hotels through the gaps and openings. These openings may be through the drains, loading and unloading areas, guest room balconies, ducts and air conditioning vents. They are attracted to the premises due
to the food, shelter and shelter. If not prevented on time, the infestation levels may multiply in no time. Rodents would not only damage the hotel reputation and business but also can contaminate food and surface leaving a range of diseases as they run. They may also damage the raw materials in the storage, fixtures and wires.

3. Bedbugs – In the hotel, the bedbugs are often carried along with guest luggage. Due to increase in international travel in the past few decades, the sighting of bedbugs in the guest rooms have increased. Bed Bugs can survive for several months without feeding and can linger on the luggage from hotel to hotel. Prevention of bedbugs require an early identification and elimination program. The best strategy is to implement suitable measures as:

4. Flies – Flies are directly attracted to food products and the food waste. The main harborage site of flies is a hotel premises is the garbage area. A lot of organic matter is left in open leading to the breeding site for flies. These flies are attracted towards the food preparation areas as the doors and gaps are left open. the main species of fly found in the hotel are housefly and fruit fly. Flies may be controlled by using standard hygiene practices. It includes

5. Mosquitoes – Mosquitoes are a real nuisance. Their bites are leaves a mark and causes skin irritation particularly to children. Mosquitoes are directly attracted to humans. The female mosquitoes directly feed on the blood of the humans. Vector borne disease such Malaria, Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, Chikungunya and many others are highly infective and may also cause death is some cases.

Mosquitoes are high in humid areas. In hotels, they are found near the water fountains at the entrance, the garden areas where there is water logging, clogged drains at waste disposal areas. The season of mosquito are at peak during the monsoons. Mosquitos create a menace to the guest during an outdoor events in the gardens and lawns. They are active during dawn and dusk.

At the hotels, following steps should be followed to avoid breeding:

Call us on 1800-11-3665 (9am to 6pm) or Book your appointment on Whatsapp @9319081666.

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