Future of Germicide

MICROBUSTER works by coating the surface with a layer of positively charged modecular pins.This protective layer attaches to the surface using a covalent bond which then attracts and kills negatively charged pathogens by rupturing their cells. When pathogens touch the surface, they pop and are destroyed.

Micro Buster

Long Lasting

MICROBUSTER protective shield has been proven to kill 99.9% of germs on the skin for up to 24 hours and germs on surfaces up to 30 days.*

Pleasant to use

MICROBUSTER Our water-based, alcohol free products can be used by all, Our Surface Sanitiser has food safety approvals.

Scientifically Proven

MICROBUSTER innovative germ popping technology is proven effective against a wide range of bacteria and viruses.

Independently Tested

MICROBUSTER has had to pass several efficacy tests to be approved by some of the world’s most trusted organisations.


The Microbuster Molecule

Microbuster kills germs mechanically. The Microbuster molecule resembles an antimicrobial spike that pierces the micro-organism, ‘popping’ it like a balloon.

AT P/ Swab Testing

ATP is present on all organic material. It is produce or broken down in metabolic processes in all living systems. A typical luminometer uses bioluminescence to detect residual ATP. The accepted adopted for use in food/ beverage/ hospitals/ healthcare etc. is shown below

0 - 30

Food Safe

31 - 100


100 - 200


201 - 500


501 - 1000



Extreme Risk

Advantages of Microbuster


Food Packaging

Storage & Warehousing

Call us on 1800-11-3665 (9am to 6pm) or Book your appointment on Whatsapp @9319081666.

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